Wednesday, April 18, 2012

When I was a Nursing Student

I'm proud to be an alumna of one of the best nursing schools in the Philippines: San Pedro College, Davao City. My experiences in that school, and even outside the school (community immersions) were fun and full of learning. Below are some of my photos taken when I was in college:

Carlo and I got a surprise when we received leadership awards during our NSTP class (1st year, 2006)
This is one of the most awaited events in the nursing school: the Capping and Pinning ceremony. This means that we're now ready to go on clinical duties and related learning experiences in various clinical areas. That was me in the center.

This was during the lighting of the candle, I think for Nightingale's prayer. The camera was set on "no flash" mode, giving it a more solemn look.
This time, the camera was set with flash. I just remembered how strictly we practiced for this event. I guess it paid off, seeing this photo of neat and behaved nursing students.
This was taken after the ceremony. Look how big my smile was! I couldn't be more proud and I'm happy that my parents were beside me.

Ailyn, me and Froilan were enjoying the walk in the beach after a community service. Poor umbrella!

I love this photo! Look how my classmates started to come closer for more picture-taking!

We usually ride the tricycle from the community back to school. Well, it's the only transportation service that could take us from the area  directly  to the school.

This was how it was back then at the physics laboratory class. Shhh...
Taking notes (though some of my classmates in my side of the class were sleeping)
Scales and weights

Our professor left us to do an experiment and we had fun with it, as well as with the camera!
Caught in the act Clarissa and Carlo!
Cute baby during IMCI community service

Me and Myles with the prizes for the club competitions

The BSN 1C was prepared for the 1st year BSN classes cheer dance competition for the PE subject.

The whole class participated in the competition, basically because it's graded! No participation, no grade! LOL!  However, it was worth it because our class won in the competition.

Graduation day! My parents and I were waiting for the ceremony to start outside the Banko Central ng Pilipinas, Davao.

I'm having fun with my father's sun glasses during the graduation ceremony, which was about 4 hours long.

Ger, Jes and me after the ceremony. Cheers!

I hope you liked the photos! More photos of my experiences to come soon! Thank you for viewing.

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